Before The Kiss
by Kelly A. Berry
Before the kiss
Cosmic Bliss
Fingers tracing
Deep breaths & panting
Give and take
Taking turns
For powers sake
Hours of touching feelings, breath touching flesh, fingers tracing lines of lust
Writing desires with imaginary pen and ink
Ink from the well of the soul
Deep longing looks into each other’s eyes, speaking telepathically
Words couldn't describe, and words weren't needed
Romance in motion….denial; such a strong potion
Strong beating hearts echo and reverberate
Floating in the atmosphere of arousal
A Kiss
Finally with a tease, lips brush against lips
Finally a kiss that leads to other kisses
Nothing more but....So. Much. More.
Waiting and wanting, there's nothing more genuine
Nothing more powerful
About the Author
Kelly A. Berry currently resides in Chicago, IL with her tuxedo cat Baby. Coming out of a very tumultuous childhood she always found herself in the middle of meaningful friendships with artists, but would never dare to give herself the honor of calling herself an artist. Everyone around her was just so much better than her. Although she was writing poetry and short stories from the time she learned cursive in school, it wasn't until she took a pottery class in 2008 that she was able to accept herself for who she is. The class allowed her the freedom to express herself truly, to let loose those bottled up ideas and emotions, and now Kelly A. Berry can say with confidence that she is an artist. Find Kelly on Instagram: @kellyberrychi